Speedway Australia’s National Safety Officer Liz Weaver has labelled the “NAPA Speedway in the City” collaboration as one of the highlights of her eight years at the sport’s peak body, as the organising committee have delivered more than was asked.
“Working with the team at the Adelaide 500, the SA Motorsports Board, Sprintcars Australia and Sprintcars SA has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my time at Speedway Australia.
“From the first phone call to discuss the possibility of building a temporary speedway, everyone involved has been on the same page. It has actually been inspirational to be a part of a collaboration of multiple parties where we’ve all worked really well together to balance the excitement of the idea with the realities of the extensive safety considerations of a project of this nature.”
Weaver has earned a reputation in the industry for holding high expectations on drivers, teams and venues when it comes to safety, and wasn’t about to ease the standards for a temporary venue.
“Everything we’ve asked of them they’ve obliged when it comes to safety, and in some cases, they’ve over-delivered which I’m starting to realise is why so many drivers and teams from all different motorsport categories love being a part of this event.”
Sprintcars will hit the track at 6pm on Thursday and Friday with Wingless Sprints in support, while Saturday and Sunday will feature various events including Wingless, Street Stocks and Sprintcar match racing from 10:30am.